Kalkaji Temple Delhi: Kalkaji Temple is believed to be Delhi”s Oldest Temple ,dedicated to Kalka Ma (Goddess Kali an Incarnations of Goddess Durga,The Earliest refernce to a Capital City Indraprastha which dates back to 8 th Century BC.The Five Pandava Brothers built their Capital at Indraprastha which thought to be near the Location of the Old Fort.A village called Indraprastha did exist close to the area untill the beginning of the 19 th century and before the British began constuction of New Delhi.It is also believed that Pandavas and Kauravas came to worship at Kalkaji Temple.The Idol in the Temple is said to be 3000 years old.However the Temple was rebuilt several Times and only small Portion of structure built in year 1734 can be seen on the Top Most point of the Hill.
Kalkaji Temple Delhi
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